
Hair Stuff

So I know probably most of you stop by my blog for the craftiness I post here, but y'all know me... I rarely can stay on topic.

I have always had this little pipe dream of going to cosmetology school. I still think it would be fun eventually. I love the idea of helping others find a little joy in the way they feel about their appearance.

Anyways, with that said, I'm always messing around with the girls' hair (we love to find new hairstyles to try online... our favorite is Cute Girls Hairstyles!) and my own. But I have worn my hair slap out with the flat iron and curling iron and other stuff.

I'm trying to do some things to help it be healthy again.

The other night, I tried out one of those home recipes for deep conditioning your hair (that I've seen 14,000 of pinned on pinterest).

This was my hair before:

And this was after (washing twice- it was still pretty greasy after one washing): 

I was pretty impressed with how smooth it made the ends of my hair and how SOFT my hair felt! I definitely recommend it. I was looking for something to add shine back into my hair, but I think it will take some time of taking better care of it for that to really happen. 

Some other things I'm doing:

  • weaning my hair/scalp from such frequent washings; no, I'm not crazy. It's actually bad for the balance of your scalp to put a detergent on it frequently. It starts over producing oils, which ends up being not so good for your hair. I picked up some Suave dry shampoo recommended to me (it's only $2.50 and it's worth the experiment) to help me ease my hair into not being washed quite as much (And for the record, I still shower every day- just don't wash my hair with shampoo every day!)
  • using Coconut oil rubbed into the ends of my hair; I have too many friends to count that swear by this! 
  • laying off of the dang flat iron/curling iron! I'm addicted to it... I need intervention. :)
Anyways, that's my random hair update. What's your best hair tip you've ever tried out? 


  1. You shower everyday?!?!? How do you manage that, I'd like to know! Never happens for me. Never. Four kids=no daily shower! But I guess it's good for my hair! Ha! I'm about on the every other day schedule right now. :)

  2. interested to hear how it works. i tried the now shampoo but after two days was like i can't do this. i may try it again but be sure to post your experiance and maybe i will try what you do. :)

  3. Totally random but tomorrow is my third day of not washing my hair. Wasnt planning it but we are at the beach and i forgot shampoo so i thought it was as good a time as any

  4. Thanks for sharing this V! My hair has been uber dry and icky now for several months...hoping this will work for me as well. :D


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