
In which Sabriel is the Great Procrastinator

The scene: bedtime

Don't turn off the light.

It's dark!


Can I have some lots of books?

I need my racecars!

Where's my waterbottle?

Ooooh, what if there's monsters in the closet? Monsters? Yeah?

They are SCARY monsters! Did you scare them away?

Can you ask dad to come in here?


  1. OMG...my son is the exact same way. By the time he is asleep I am ready to ring his neck! lol...I know someday soon I will miss this????

  2. HA! Sounds just like Jake...he is a dreamer though, not to much of a worrier, but his head is so filled with thoughts he just can't fall asleep.

  3. lol, yup, my kids totally do that too! I love that she sleeps with racecars! lol


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