
She inspires her friends with her kindness and creativity.

I have this really inspiring friend that I've been wanting to make a gift for, for a while. She's pretty amazing. She started off as just an internet acquaintance and a kit club owner that I worked for, and over the years has become a dear friend. 

I created this canvas for her using some of the new Crate Paper Farmhouse line and the Study Hall kit. 

My friend has checked on me while I've been sick, hung in there with me through computer losses, comforted me in grief, supported me through natural disasters, and surprised me with baby showers.
 Not only that, but she has been a constant source of inspiration every month. I'm not sure what I would do without her at this point!

Thanks for being my friend, Noel. I love ya! (Look for this coming to you in the mail!)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it! Great job and a wonderful tribute for a beautiful friend!


I'm so glad you decided to leave me a comment today! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the world. :)


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