
Halloween Week Madness 2010 (The Girls' Paperie)

This is the beginning of what I like to call "Halloween Week Madness."

We have a lot of activities that we are doing this week. Lots of fun stuff, that we want to do, like carve jack o' lanterns, and make Halloween candy bark, and go to the fall festival at church, and trick or treating... etc., etc., etc.

This week also happens to be Red Ribbon week at Em's school, which means a whole lot of other little activities to remember (like crazy sock day and a canned food drive and a penny drive). Oh and her parent-teacher conference.

Plus don't forget... the unscheduled things like poop in the bathtub and mountains of laundry.

So, in order to record all of the to-dos and reminders for this week... and to remember to keep it FUN, I made this layout recording all of our activities this week with the Girls' Paperie "Toil and Trouble" line.

And I'm trying to remember to just "do the next thing" and do it with gladness & gratefulness in my heart. :) Because this really is one of my favorite times of year, and I don't want to get bogged down with tasks and miss the magic and mystery and silliness of this week!

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  1. great idea! AND if you wanted, you could add photos later.. just sayin'. It's super cute either way. ;)

  2. LOVE this! What a great idea! :D


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