
New Online Class & Kit!

Join me in playing with the new Day By Day Kit from Noel Mignon!

$38.99 Click HERE to order!

A month or so ago I contacted Noel about ordering this way cool planner from Hampton Arts/Creative Cafe. We collaborated on putting together this fun project kit that is available today!

I'm providing you with instructions and techniques, so please consider signing up to take my class as well! This is so much more than a planner- it's a memory keeping device and organizer for all those layouts about moments, events, and day to day living. I have some fun ideas and techniques to help you utilize this planner to its extreme!

(Scroll to the bottom to click the "Buy Now" button to purchase my class- to purchase the kit, click here: Day By Day Project kit.)
The class will include printables (even some hand drawn images!)for your planner, lots and lots of ideas & inspiration, a system for getting your 2010 events & memories recorded, and some other fun surprises!


  1. oh stop it!!! I haven't even played with the last kit yet! hehe That kit and your class look like a lot of fun....guess I need to sell some more stuff on etsy so I can spend some more $$!!

  2. I love you and your planners :)

  3. To anyone considering taking this class...do it!!!
    I saw just a little bit of the awesomeness V has created for this class and it is fabulous! You will not be sorry you took this class.

  4. Hey V! Thanks so much for the tip on sleeping and Baby J.

    We are still struggling with this and I appreciate you thinking about us! :-)

  5. Hola!!!...me gustaría tomar la clase, tienes otras?, saludos

  6. i'm so bummed that i missed out- this looks amazing!! i can't even find the planner online to order separately & play along with my Noel kit scraps :(
    super cool that you're teaching another class- keep 'em coming & i'll try not to miss another one :)

  7. Looks like a fun class and kit!


I'm so glad you decided to leave me a comment today! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the world. :)


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