

Thankful Buckets

A friend of mine inspired me the other day with some little goodies she'd left on her bed for her kiddos to surprise them when they got home from school. Most days, I get home at the same time as my kids, so I don't get to do little surprises like that... but this week, I am off for Thanksgiving and was excited to make these little "thankful" prizes for my kids. 

They are very simple, really... just some little strawberry baskets I purchased on etsy filled with baggies of our favorite chocolate drizzled popcorn for an afternoon snack. I added tags made with the NoelMignon Gather Together and Union Square kits. 

Just like any other mom, I find myself getting into a rut with fussing and reminding and nagging and everything else with my kids... and I want to be more mindful of telling them of the good they are bringing to our home. That is the point of these little tags... so that they know, regardless of them leaving their shoes and backpacks on the middle of the dining room floor for the bazillionth time, that I am THANKFUL they are in our family... thankful that they are ours. 

I hope they love them... and that they feel that they are loved! 


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