
My Family

Emerson- nearly 10 years old. Named for Ralph Waldo Emerson. American Girl Doll fan. Keeps her room neat and tidy. Wonderful big sister. Quiet thinker. Big heart. Pretends to live in the Little House on the Prairie. Writes me a note from her bed nearly every night. Likes to go shopping any chance she can get. Wears a dress or skirt every day.

Atticus - nearly 9 years old. Named after Atticus Finch. Talker and joker. Can often be seen in detective gear. Loves nature. Is really interested in geography and facts. Read 70 books in one month. Has a surfer decorated room. Dislikes bananas and tomatoes with a passion. Loves learning. Kicks around in a pair of Converse. Can do a killer cartwheel. 

Sabriel- 7 years old. Named after Sabriel. Obsessed with Spiderman, ninjas, and drawing. Thinks in comic book format. Feels everything strongly. Fastest runner I know. Has magpie tendencies (likes to collect everything). Has a stuffed pig named Hammy that has been snuggled every night and day of her existence. Animated. Favorite food: snacks. 

Ariana- 5 years old. Named in reference to Ariana Dumbledore. The baby of the family. Likes to chatter. Favorite word of the moment: inappropriate. Wears her accessories like the fashionista she is. Isn't fully dressed without a hairbow. Nickname: Chunka Munka. Loves her babies. Somersaults in a circuit through out our home. Owls are her favorite and her best. Prays aboutmissing her Papa every night. Will kill a box of strawberries in five minutes flat. 

Me and my love. Married 15 years. Met in Bible college, married at 20 years old. He knows my heart and he loves me anyways through the grace of Jesus. 

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